“Comprehensive packages of multi-agency support provide young people with good levels of help and protection. Coordinated approaches between staff at the home, health professionals, education providers, therapists and family members ensure that young people receive the correct support and services to meet their individual needs.
An independent reviewing officer commented: ‘The young person is being provided with a high level of support to help him reach his full potential. He now has some insight into his difficulties and is
working to address them.’”
All young people re-enter into full-time education, often after having had a significant period of not being educated or having no interest or belief that they can achieve. Excellent joint working between the staff, on-site school teachers and outdoor educators ensure that each young person has an individualised package of education which is challenging but also reflects their strengths, interests and learning styles.
Young people start to enjoy and achieve in education. A social worker commented: ‘This young person had a long history of non-school attendance. She has made significant progress educationally. She is now fully engaging, she has gained some qualifications and she is
now due to go to college.’
Young people develop aspirations for the future and a sense of achievement. Consequently, their opportunities and choices in adulthood are greatly improved.