Arnfield Tower Activity Centre supports emergency and crisis intervention, with short- to medium-stay placements for young people whose challenges make them difficult to place. We provide residential-based care and support, accommodating up to eight young people of any gender, and all racial, cultural and religious backgrounds, aged between 11 and 17 years.


We develop an individual plan for each young person based on his or her needs. This plan integrates a holistic therapeutic approach to the various strands of our service – residential care, classroom and outdoor education, providing a tailored programme to address the issues they face in their lives.

Heading toward our 23rd year, we consistently achieve successful outcomes with young people who have experienced all forms of exploitation, and those who have had multiple placement breakdowns. Many of these young people have put at risk through drug and/or alcohol misuse, sexual exploitation, regularly going missing from home or care, involvement in criminal and/or antisocial behaviour or gang activities. Education may have suffered substantially, impacting further on behaviour and self-esteem.

From the beginning of their placement, young people are encouraged and supported to resume their education as an integral part of their placement plan. Classroom based education is provided on-site at Arnfield Independent School. Outdoor education activities and expeditions provide a broad range of positive learning, developmental and therapeutic experiences.


All of our work is tailored to meet individual needs, and can include any combination of the following elements, all of which are fully integrated into the services we provide:

  • Initial assessment of the young person to identify his or her needs, including a report from the Educational Psychologist detailing recommendations regarding present and future care provision, together with health and educational assessments
  • Introduction to a dedicated key team set up to provide nurturing and young person-centred support, 2:1 support during induction available where appropriate
  • Use of Reward and Positive Reinforcement to encourage engagement in positive behaviours, routines and promote a sense of self-worth and belief
  • IEP and educational provision tailored to the young person’s level of attainment and need
  • Outdoor education programme aimed at increasing their confidence and self-worth; this is integrated with classroom based education for consistency and progression
  • Promoting positive behaviour and relationships programme under the guidance of the Educational Psychologist
  • Incentivised programmes developed to help encourage the young person to engage with others, make positive contribution, recognise achievement and expand life choices
  • Supporting young people to build positive relationships with family members if appropriate
  • Supporting young people to build positive relationships with family members if appropriate
  • Meet all health needs, and engagement in developing healthy lifestyle routines

Statement of Purpose