Moorfield Barn offers short to medium stay placements in a calm and stable environment. We welcome young people aged between 11 and 17 years who may have endured adverse childhood experiences for whom it is difficult to find the right placement, with the home able to support up to five children of any sex, gender, racial, cultural and religious background.

Our staff provide an innovative and proactive approach to the young people with education and care staff working together to produce a high-quality care plan, tailored to meet their individual needs.

Some of the children and young people may be experiencing a crisis in their lives and have come from turbulent backgrounds.

This may have led them to find it difficult to trust others and build positive, nurturing relationships in previous placements, increasing their risk of suffering a range of harms such as various forms of exploitation; substance misuse issues; involvement in gangs as well as criminal and/or antisocial behaviours.

A high-quality package of education for the young people is provided at Arnfield Independent School. This includes on-site classroom education and outdoor education, with opportunities to achieve ASDAN and AQA awards as well as Functional Skills in Maths and English. The comprehensive outdoor education programme provided by Arnfield Care is one of the most diverse on offer in the UK and is available to all young people at Moorfield Barn, and is an integral part of their individual care programmes.

Solution-focused work is promoted through placement plans that are designed to meet individual needs and are agreed with the young person, their parental responsibility holders, and placing authority. 

All of our work is tailored to meet individual needs, and can include any combination of the following elements, all of which are fully integrated into the services we provide:

  • Initial assessment of the young person to identify their needs, including a report from the Educational Psychologist detailing recommendations regarding present and future care provision, together with health and educational assessments.
  • Introduction to a dedicated Key Team set up to provide nurturing and young person-centred support.
  • Use of Reward and Positive Reinforcement to encourage engagement in positive behaviours, routines and promote a sense of self-worth and belief.
  • IEP and educational provision tailored to the young person’s level of attainment and need
  • Outdoor education programme inclusive of residential trips away, aimed at increasing children and young people’s confidence and self-worth, integrated with classroom-based education for consistency and progression.
  • Promoting positive behaviour and relationships programme under the guidance of the Educational Psychologist
  • Incentivised programmes developed to help encourage the young person to engage with others, make a positive contribution, recognise achievement and expand life choices.
  • Supporting young people to build positive relationships with family members if appropriate.
  • Meet all health needs, and engagement in developing healthy lifestyle routines.
  • To build positive relationships with family members if appropriate.

Statement of Purpose